Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The World of Boys

We have a lake near our house, and the lake is fed by a small stream that is stagnant in places. I am at the moment in search of an Avon lady to help me with a small mosquito problem! (I need some Skin-so-soft like Grandmomma used to use...) But I digress...
A common pastime of ours is to walk down to a particular point on the bank of the creek and check on the growth of a large group of tadpoles. At the moment, they look like the little guys swimming above... no feet yet!
As I mentioned earlier, this creek is stagnant in places... which means it really kind of stinks! Despite this, my boys (who cannot stand the smell of cooking vegetables); always want to stop and put their hands in the water, trying to catch the tadpoles!
I'm not as girlie as I used to be, but this is something I cannot understand. It's yucky! I try to get them to stop.
Me: You don't know what kind of germs are in that creek!
Nathan: I can wash my hands.
Me (trying another tactic): Don't touch them... you might hurt them. They're very fragile!
Nathan: I won't hurt them... I'm touching soft. They feel good!
They feel good? I have no answer for that, so I give up.
The World of Boys!