I was beginning my first school year as a stay-at-home Mom. After living the hectic life of a working Mom and wife of an international businessman; my new life seemed so easy and blessed! I was a new volunteer counselor at the Crisis Pregnancy Center, where I was learning much about having a personal relationship with Jesus. I was beginning my journey towards becoming a Mary, although I was not yet aware of this. Matthew was 4, Nathan was one, and Ephraim was still God's little secret surprise yet to come.
I was driving Matthew to preschool at Morningside Baptist Church, and I was listening to Bob and Sheri on the radio (they were a lot tamer back then; these days I do not listen to them in front of the kids!) Anyway, I was nearing the intersection of Moon Road, traveling on Weems Road; and I was trying to wrap my mind around what Bob was saying...
A plane flew into the World Trade Center?
At some point, Bob was saying he hated to say it, but he found it hard to believe this was an accident.
I was still listening when the second plane hit. As the day unfolded, so did the rest of the story of the well-planned attack on the United States of America. This wasn't a distant war story being retold by my grandfather, a veteran of World War II. This was only too real, complete with vivid pictures and video footage; and for the first time since World War II... it was happening on American soil.
I will never forget it.
It amazes me to look around and see so many have already forgotten. We must not take our freedom or our lives for granted.