Sunday, November 23, 2008

The 2-bite Rule and Other Things that are Gone with the Wind...

We went to Thanksgiving dinner at our church (pot-luck) tonight; and I packed a sack lunch for Ephraim before we went. I thoroughly enjoyed eating about a tablespoon-sized serving of all of the vegetable casseroles I never cook at home... but Ephraim would not have been into it.

More than a few people passed our table and laughed as they observed Ephraim eating his Blueberry poptarts. One well-meaning soul told me she had used a "two bite" rule with her kids; and that it really worked.

I, too, had a successful run with the "two bite" rule... with my oldest two boys. They were required to take two bites of everything on their plates; and then they were allowed to eat enough of whatever we were having that they liked to get full. Now that I think of it, I believe the idea of the "two bite" rule came from the very same person who suggested it to me tonight. I must admit, it worked like a charm for years.

That, however, was before Ephraim.

I used to think parents could and should prevail in any battle of wills. However, having ideas of how to raise children and having actual children living in your home needing to be raised are two entirely different matters! I have found it possible to win every battle of wills with a couple of exceptions:
  • They will potty-train when they want to, and not a moment sooner.
  • If they determine not to put a food item in their mouths, you actually cannot force the matter. In some cases, the food will rot before they eat it! And two bites? Not if they've set their resolve against it. You can pry their mouths open and shove the food inside... but you cannot make them swallow it!

I never thought I would stoop this low... but I eventually compromised with Ephraim on my "two-bite" rule. I have deceived myself into thinking I have maintained the spirit of "Mommy is the boss" by saying, "Okay, Ephraim. You don't have to eat it, but you MUST taste it. Just touch it with your tongue."

Gone are the days when Matthew believed Nutrigrain bars were candy bars (see, I was better at nutrition at one point in my life!) Gone are the days of the "two bite" rule. The new motto: "Just touch it to your tongue!"


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